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Classroom Management Plan


     I want to structure my classroom with an aim towards developing students’ social and emotional skills alongside their academic skills. I plan to establish a safe environment where students are supported while also held accountable, where they feel like they are part of a close-knit community, and where they have a say and stake in the goals, rules, and activities in the classroom. For example, I want students to be involved in establishing classroom rules, which may be added to or amended throughout the year. I also want to conduct morning meetings each morning in order to set expectations for the day, reflect on struggles and accomplishments from the previous day or week, and get student feedback. When students are engaged, and when their social and emotional growth is prioritized, I believe that many behavioral problems will be avoided or stemmed early on.


     Of course, there will be unavoidable behavior issues that may arise because of frustrations or issues in the classroom or because of the life experiences that students bring into the classroom from outside. In order to deal with these issues, I want first and foremost to make sure that parents and families are part of the process as partners, and that their input is valued. Regular communication with parents - through phone calls, emails, and home visits - is key for this valuable partnership to be possible, and must be started at the beginning of the year, before issues arise.


     As issues do arise, I want to approach these issues using a restorative justice framework instead of a punitive framework. I plan to work with the affected individuals - including students, families, and administrators, to figure out how to heal, make improvements, and move on. Instead of imposing harsh disciplinary measures, I want to make sure that students learn and grow from their mistakes. In the process, I believe that these practices can help students learn how to deal productively with conflict in their own lives.

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