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I believe that all students have immense potential, and are naturally curious, resourceful, and eager to learn. Educators should strive not to quench students’ curiosity but to drive it forward, to help students explore, and to encourage them to be critical and inquisitive thinkers. In order to achieve this goal, teachers must be flexible and adaptable, and ready to dive - with their students - into topics of interest.


I believe that students can reach their full potential when they interact and collaborate with others. Schools should not only provide opportunities for collaboration, but should teach these social skills explicitly. Through structured and supportive activities like literature circles and group projects, students can learn the skills to discuss, plan, create, and assess collectively.


Students’ lives extend far beyond the walls of the classroom. As educators, we need to acknowledge and embrace this. Students’ experiences and communities should be celebrated. Parents should feel welcomed and valued in the school and classroom, and community members should be seen as partners and resources.


I believe that these goals are only possible within a supportive learning community. As educators, it is our responsibility to establish this community. We must make sure that students feel safe and comfortable in our classrooms, that they feel that they have a part to play, and that there is a basis of mutual respect between students, teachers, parents, and community members.

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